'푸른하늘의 날'을 맞아 대기환경개선을 위해 각 분야의 전문가, 정부, 연구기관, 기업, 청년분들의 강연과 논의를 들을 수 있었습니다. 개인적으로 국제기구를 꿈꾸는 학생으로써 GGGI 본사에서 round table에 참가하고, 탄소중립 달성을 위한 지식과 사례에 대해 강연을 들을 수 있어 뜻깊었습니다.

유영숙 이사장님
• round table -> COP 28 in dubai 의 기초 토대가 될 것을 기대
< round table >
• various perspective 1) carbon markets - how we can decarbonize the steel industry in the south korea
2) how can increase the green investment
[ GGGI - Mark Hopkins ]
• carbon markets : growing source of finance
• Paris agreement article 6 provides a framework to help regulate international carbon trading
accounting, approving mitigation activity
authorized by host country / not authorized by the host country
• GGGI article6 관련 발간물 꼭 읽어보기
[ SFO C (solutions for our climate) - Heather ]
• Korean steel Industry - air pollution using the coal
• POSCO, hyudnai 제철 ~ 관련해서 우리나라 대기오염 특히 이산화탄소 문제 일으킴
• report - 제철소와 숨겨진 진실 / Reveilling the truth behind blast furance air pollution
• 제철소 인근 주민들 환경적 피해 큼
• How can we decarbonize the steel industry?
causes : mega BF steelmills - 40% located in the korea
-> Industry Trends Brief 보고서 by SFO C -> 제안 : 1)한국 정부 more investment in research
2) solution : Creating a demand market for green steel
3) solution : energy transition - using renewable not the coals
• 중요한 이유 : steel is an essential material in our lives
[ ING Bank - Louise Kim ]
• conventional bankers view about the decarbonization
• Net zero requires substantial investment from private investors (FIs) -> critical role of the banks
• Sustainable finance : rapid increase
• Investment in green finance 비율 : eu > apac > america
• ING Bank - 이 은행의 고객층 : samsung, hyundai 등 / pioneer of the bank in terms of the climate report / 9
sectors 고려
• 'Sustainability Linked Loan' 개념
• Since 2021 Korean caught up with Global market in ESG topics - 한국이 꾸준히 지속적인 관심을 보일 수 있도
록 노력해야함
• Korea : the renewables share of energy mix is the lowest among all OECD members -> improvement in
technologies is important
• Solution - improvement in the regulations, ESG data, stronger stakeholders, aligning our objective in our
daily lives
• Korean -> Dutch industry investment 왜? / dutch 입장에서는 더 필요한 섹터나 다른 국 프로젝트에 투자해야하는지
고민이 됨 딜레마임
a. investment in developed countries 도 존재
b. Article 6 관련 투자
c. ODA
< Round 2 >
[ Dukwoo Jun - GGGI ]
• 'Korean Green New Deal Fund' - investing for new carbon 목표
• GGGI 랑 MOEF -> KGND projects 에 sign (2021) : 6millon = 300억 투자 받음
◦KGND's key windows
a. Window 1
b. Window 2
c. Window 3
key impacts
1) 인도에 적용 water reservoir, solar energy : 우리나라랑 다름 but used the financial consultation
• infrastructure development 을 위해서는 finance, green bond 필요
2) Infrastructure Climate Resilient Fund for sub-saharan africa
• GGGI supported the development of GCF funding proposal
[ Esther Bates - GGGI ]
• Pacific Green Entrepreneurs Network ~ education, encourage youth - have various projects for
encouraging the youth entrepreneurship
• 대표 사례 기업가 사례들 contributing to the Net Sero : Matai trading, Kiribati - 태양광 / Qaqi Mai, Fiji - 자전거/
Litfuel, Papua New Guinea - clean sky
[ Jovie - Light of Hope Philippines 대표]
• 필리핀 : energy poverty, climate change
• Solar cloudgrid 개발 (mobile app)- 여러 상들 받음, funding 받음
• 성과 : 5000 poverty people 도움, co2 emission 줄임
• solar-> farming , transporation e-banko
[김민하 대표- Refubian]
• sgi youth : 농산 부산물
• farm house 거래
'푸른하늘의 날'을 맞아 대기환경개선을 위해 각 분야의 전문가, 정부, 연구기관, 기업, 청년분들의 강연과 논의를 들을 수 있었습니다. 개인적으로 국제기구를 꿈꾸는 학생으로써 GGGI 본사에서 round table에 참가하고, 탄소중립 달성을 위한 지식과 사례에 대해 강연을 들을 수 있어 뜻깊었습니다.
유영숙 이사장님
• round table -> COP 28 in dubai 의 기초 토대가 될 것을 기대
< round table >
• various perspective 1) carbon markets - how we can decarbonize the steel industry in the south korea
2) how can increase the green investment
[ GGGI - Mark Hopkins ]
• carbon markets : growing source of finance
• Paris agreement article 6 provides a framework to help regulate international carbon trading
accounting, approving mitigation activity
authorized by host country / not authorized by the host country
• GGGI article6 관련 발간물 꼭 읽어보기
[ SFO C (solutions for our climate) - Heather ]
• Korean steel Industry - air pollution using the coal
• POSCO, hyudnai 제철 ~ 관련해서 우리나라 대기오염 특히 이산화탄소 문제 일으킴
• report - 제철소와 숨겨진 진실 / Reveilling the truth behind blast furance air pollution
• 제철소 인근 주민들 환경적 피해 큼
• How can we decarbonize the steel industry?
causes : mega BF steelmills - 40% located in the korea
-> Industry Trends Brief 보고서 by SFO C -> 제안 : 1)한국 정부 more investment in research
2) solution : Creating a demand market for green steel
3) solution : energy transition - using renewable not the coals
• 중요한 이유 : steel is an essential material in our lives
[ ING Bank - Louise Kim ]
• conventional bankers view about the decarbonization
• Net zero requires substantial investment from private investors (FIs) -> critical role of the banks
• Sustainable finance : rapid increase
• Investment in green finance 비율 : eu > apac > america
• ING Bank - 이 은행의 고객층 : samsung, hyundai 등 / pioneer of the bank in terms of the climate report / 9
sectors 고려
• 'Sustainability Linked Loan' 개념
• Since 2021 Korean caught up with Global market in ESG topics - 한국이 꾸준히 지속적인 관심을 보일 수 있도
록 노력해야함
• Korea : the renewables share of energy mix is the lowest among all OECD members -> improvement in
technologies is important
• Solution - improvement in the regulations, ESG data, stronger stakeholders, aligning our objective in our
daily lives
• Korean -> Dutch industry investment 왜? / dutch 입장에서는 더 필요한 섹터나 다른 국 프로젝트에 투자해야하는지
고민이 됨 딜레마임
a. investment in developed countries 도 존재
b. Article 6 관련 투자
c. ODA
< Round 2 >
[ Dukwoo Jun - GGGI ]
• 'Korean Green New Deal Fund' - investing for new carbon 목표
• GGGI 랑 MOEF -> KGND projects 에 sign (2021) : 6millon = 300억 투자 받음
◦KGND's key windows
a. Window 1
b. Window 2
c. Window 3
key impacts
1) 인도에 적용 water reservoir, solar energy : 우리나라랑 다름 but used the financial consultation
• infrastructure development 을 위해서는 finance, green bond 필요
2) Infrastructure Climate Resilient Fund for sub-saharan africa
• GGGI supported the development of GCF funding proposal
[ Esther Bates - GGGI ]
• Pacific Green Entrepreneurs Network ~ education, encourage youth - have various projects for
encouraging the youth entrepreneurship
• 대표 사례 기업가 사례들 contributing to the Net Sero : Matai trading, Kiribati - 태양광 / Qaqi Mai, Fiji - 자전거/
Litfuel, Papua New Guinea - clean sky
[ Jovie - Light of Hope Philippines 대표]
• 필리핀 : energy poverty, climate change
• Solar cloudgrid 개발 (mobile app)- 여러 상들 받음, funding 받음
• 성과 : 5000 poverty people 도움, co2 emission 줄임
• solar-> farming , transporation e-banko
[김민하 대표- Refubian]
• sgi youth : 농산 부산물
• farm house 거래